About This Site

This site was created to promote transparency in Student Government at the University of Louisville. While this site is not run by UofL or SGA its stated goal is to provide easy access to SGA related documents, videos, and other materials. Since this site is not affiliated with the any branch of the SGA government, the documents posted to this site are not intended to be the official versions of SGA documents. Please use the official UofL or SGA websites if you wish to obtain official copies of those documents. That being said, the content of this site meant to provide as accurate an account as possible of SGA's actions and official business. The posts on this site are intended to provide unbiased facts and collect information from multiple sources so it can be accessed in one location. Posts that contain opinions or unofficial material will be tagged with the term "Additional Transparency" which is intended to indicate the material is not directly associated with SGA.

Technical Note

The posts on this blog have been backdated to reflect the time at which the specific documents or materials were released. This is not specific to the hour, rather the goal is to place each document on the correct day that it was created or released to provide as accurate of a chronology as possible.